February 14, 2024

Skagit the County with NO Government

Many have just discovered Skagit County has had NO GOVERNMENT since January 2, 2023.

RCW 42.12.010 Causes of vacancy.(6) His or her refusal or neglect to take his or her oath of office, or to give or renew his or her official bond, or to deposit such oath or bond within the time prescribed by law;

Washington Supreme Court Case: State ex rel. Vanderveer v. Gormley, supra.1/

Washington Attorney General Slade Gordon Opinion: 

The Washington law, the State of Washington Supreme Court, and the Washington State Attorney General Slade Gordon all say the same thing: if through intent or neglect, a candidate does not file their Oath of Office and Bond with the county Clerk and Auditor BEFORE committing their first official act, THE OFFICE IS VACANT.

If you go to the County of Skagit Auditor's Office and ask for a copy of the Case Summary for elected officials' bonds, you will find that they all filed their bonds a month after they started doing official acts. Their office became vacant upon their first unauthorized act, January 2, 2023. This unlawful act has been practiced for many years unknown to We the People.

By refusing to take the Oath to Support the Constitution they believe they will not be tried for TREASON. By refusing to post a bond as the law requires, they give us no assurance that they will not harm us in the acts they perform.

Under a Washington state law RCW 77.12. 035, WDFW may not transplant or introduce grizzly bears into the state and may only use bears native to the state for management programs.

  1. Last month LISA JANICKI, PETER BROWNING and RONALD WESEN voted to allow the reintroduction of grizzly bears into Skagit County.
  2. Last Month LISA JANICKI, PETER BROWNING and RONALD WESEN voted for an EMERGENCY MORITORIUM on farmland (agricultural land) Prohibiting;

weddings on farms,

religious services on farms, 1st get permission, 2nd pay for a permit, now you can pray, now you can have Bible Study, now you can worship after the dictates of your heart... For we are not as many, which make merchandise of the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God in the sight of God... 2 Corinthians 2:17

meetings on farms, violating right to assemble. Watch video (Skagit County sue local farmer Larry Jensen only 7 minutes)

The First Amendment which protects your right to assemble and express your views.

These private citizens are intruding, masquerading, and violating county, state, and Federal laws.

Here is how you can do something to restore County of Skagit back to a Constitutional County:

The Constitution says We the People have the power to revoke our consent to be governed by elected people who refuse to follow the Constitution. Here is the form, print it, sign it and return it  to the next Skagit Peers meeting or send it directly to the Washington State Legislature. Pass the form along and encourage your relatives and neighbors to participate.


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